Jade has the ability to register and backup multisig configurations on device, allowing for receive and change address verification. In addition, this enables export of the stored configuration back to your software wallet to rebuild the multisig wallet in the event of file loss.
Tip: You can register up to eight, 8-of-8 multisigs with Jade.
Backup multisig configuration
Set up a multisig wallet using Jade as one of the keys on your desired wallet app. Next, prompt Jade to register the wallet in one of the following ways depending on your communication method:
- USB: On your wallet app, select to verify or display an address on Jade while your device is connected and active
- QR: Find the option to Export your wallet configuration using QRs on your wallet app, then scan the config using Scan QR on Jade while in an active session
Note: Refer to your specific platform's documentation on how to set up multisig as the instructions will vary.
Proceed through the involved signers on Jade and confirm the relevant information for each of them. Each field is selectable and can be viewed full screen if desired.
After confirming the registration, Jade will be able to verify receive addresses for this wallet and will automatically validate change addresses during signing. This record can later be viewed by navigating to Options, Wallet, Registered Wallets while in an active session.
Export Backup
Log in to Jade and select Options, Wallet, then Registered Wallets. Select the registered multisig file you would like to export.
Choose Export on Jade and find the option to Import a wallet on your companion app. Scan the QR codes using your companion device until the file is successfully read and the multisig wallet is rebuilt.