In Blockstream Green, your funds are stored inside accounts, which are stored inside wallets. Accounts enable you to conveniently separate your funds in one wallet. For example, you might use one account for daily spending and another for stacking securely with 2FA protection.
A Green wallet lets you store and spend you funds securely and conveniently. I's self-custodial, so it means that it stores or manages the keys to access your bitcoin, so you are in control.
To start sending and receiving funds on Blockstream Green, you must create at least one wallet, but you can have create or import multiple ones.
For each wallet you create, need to back up your primary key. The backup consists of a 12 or 24-word recovery phrase.
Each wallet can be accessed via PIN or biometrics and even be exported across multiple devices.
An account is a subsection of wallets that allows you to separate funds based on your needs, for more security, or instant payments. You can manage multiple additional accounts in each wallet.
Accounts are tied to the primary key in which they are created. The recovery phrase backup of your primary key, unlocks access to all accounts inside that wallet. If you lose access to your wallet, you lose access to all accounts inside the wallet.
What Is the Purpose of Using Multiple Accounts?
Some of the benefits of using multiple accounts include:
Instant transactions
Top up your instant account to send instant cheap transactions to everyone on the Lightning Network, with our unique self-custody solution for Bitcoin Lightning payments.
Increased Security
You can create a 2FA protected account, where spending funds from requires authenticating with a separate 2FA of your choice among Authenticator app, email, sms, or call.
Easier Accounting
Maintaining multiple accounts can be useful if you want to keep track of different income streams or budgets without having to write down and store a new recovery phrase for each balance.
Stronger Privacy
Your account balance shows the total value of all UTXOs in your account. When you make a transaction, your Blockstream Green app may combine transaction outputs in order to send the required amount of funds. Combining UTXOs can compromise your privacy as it links multiple addresses to the same sender.
By creating separate accounts within the same wallet, you can control which UTXOs are combined and which aren’t. Blockstream Green will never combine UTXOs from two different accounts, even if they are part of the same wallet.