SideSwap offers an integrated P2P swap market for trading various Liquid assets, including the Blockstream Mining Note.
The BMN is a Transfer-Restricted Asset, which means you will need a whitelisted AMP ID to receive BMN to your wallet. For more information, please review the guide here.
If you already have a wallet set up, jump ahead using links below:
Set up a SideSwap wallet
Download SideSwap from the App Store or Google Play.
Choose to create a new wallet or import a previously whitelisted AMP wallet you are already using on Blockstream Green. If you create a new wallet, you will need to make sure to register the AMP ID with STOKR.
Note: At this time, each user can only have one whitelisted AMP ID - so make sure to import your wallet if you have already registered one.
If creating a new wallet, It is highly recommended to back up your recovery phrase offline then store it in a safe location.
Warning: Your recovery phrase is the only way to recover your wallet if you lose access to your funds (for example, if you lose or break your device). SideSwap never knows your recovery phrase and cannot help you restore access to your wallet.
Buying BMN
In order to purchase and hold the BMN, you will need to have your AMP ID whitelisted. Copy your wallet's AMP ID and register it with a relevant platform. If you have already had your AMP ID whitelisted, skip to the next step.
Next, select Receive and fund your AMP wallet with L-BTC.
Option #1: Taking an Offer
Select Markets in the bottom menu bar and navigate to Swap market. Then, select to trade the BMN1/L-BTC pair.
View the list of offers and tap the trade you would like to take. Then, submit your order and wait for the other party to sign. After the swap, return to the home page to see the BMN in your wallet.
Note: If the trade fails, it is likely the user who posted the order did not sign the transaction within the specified window. You will need to revisit the order book and wait for them to resubmit the swap in this case.
Option #2: Placing a Bid
Select Markets in the bottom menu bar and tap Create Order.
Enter your desired price in L-BTC that you are willing to pay per BMN token. Then, choose the amount of BMN to purchase. The amount of L-BTC you will need to deliver to buy this amount of BMN will then populate on the top L-BTC line. Confirm your order and simply wait for someone to take this trade.
Tip: The BMN can be traded in denominations as low as 0.01.
Selling BMN
Option #1: Posting an Offer
Open or import your wallet that is holding BMN1.
Note: If importing a Blockstream Green Multisig Shield wallet, you will need to temporarily disable your 2FA method to trade successfully.
Select Markets in the bottom menu bar and tap Create Order.
Enter your trade details, including the L-BTC price and amount of BMN you would like to sell. Confirm your order, then simply wait for someone to take this trade.
Option #2: Taking a Bid
Select Markets in the bottom menu bar and navigate to Swap market. Then, select to trade the BMN1/LBTC pair.
View the list of bids and tap the trade you would like to take. Then, submit your order and wait for the other party to sign. After the swap, return to the home page to see the L-BTC in your wallet.