What Is the Lightning Account Shortcut?
Whenever you are making in-person payments in a good old bricks and mortar store, you probably want to quickly make your payment, possibly instantly, and without letting the world see how much bitcoin you own in your 2FA protected account for instance.
Fear not! On Green, you can access your lightning account via a shortcut. It is a quick path to access your funds on lightning, without exposing your funds onchain.
Plus, it will enable you to receive payments on lightning seamlessly! No need to keep the app open or constantly monitor your phone.
How Does it Work?
Your funds on the Lightning account are protected by a BIP85 child key of your primary wallet mnemonic. This means that your funds on Lightning are segregated by construction.
When you enable this shortcut, Green will persist your lightning account keys on the system secure enclave, using a different mechanism compared to the highly secure, maximum 3 attempts blind PIN oracle system used to protect your onchain keys. Your lightning keys will be as secure as your phone, and you will be able to access your lightning account very quickly.
The shortcut mechanism enables you to quickly access your lightning account, and also the Green app to receive Lightning payments in the background via push notifications.
How Do I Enable the Shortcut?
Navigate within your lightning account and open the menu top right.
Enable the lightning account shortcut
The next time you'll open the app, you'll see a new button associated with your existing wallet, it will lead directly into your lightning account.
How Do I Disable the Shortcut?
If you don't need this functionality, and you don't expect to receive payments while the Green app is closed (not up and running) you can remove this shortcut! Simply long press on the lightning account shortcut on the wallets list, and choose Remove lightning shortcut.